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NANE help line

For victims of domestic and sexual violence and their supporters

+36 80 505 101 (within Hungary)
+36 1 267 4900 (from abroad)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 6-10 PM, Tuesday 8-12 AM and Wednesday 12-2 PM

Financial support

Bank transfer:

MagNet Bank
IBAN HU88 1620 0010 1004 5143 0000 0000

You can also support our work via PayPal

Support our work on a recurring basis

You may select your preferred method of helping and supporting our work from the list below. You can choose from monthly recurring donation options here. After picking your selection, please press the Subscribe button, which will forward you to PayPal’s payment page.

We thank you for all the occasional and regular donations, and the 1% personal income tax offerings that keep increasing year by year. NANE Association operates for the safety and human rights for women and children since 1994, and offers unique services nation-wide. Based on the survey conducted by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the NANE Assistance Hotline is the best known country wide service provider in Hungary for violence against women. The 1% personal income tax and the occasional and regular personal donations are fundamental to keep operating these important services. NANE receives no government funding, despite the fact that it provides crucial public service that the state should provide for victims of abuse.

For up to date information about our current publications, programs, services, press releases, and so forth, follow our Facebook page.

Any amount of donation from helps our Association significantly. Our funds are used to cover our operational costs during the year, for instance, printing and distributing flyers, information materials, running our helpline and support groups, etc.

Distribution of our materials

You can also help by mass reproduce and distribute our flyers yourself, or you may place them at your workplace, in the local doctor’s office, family support service, the social division of the muncipality, high schools etc. With photocopying, reproducing, and distributing locally, you assist both our work, and the affected women and children in your area.

Organizing lectures and trainings

We encourage our supporters to organize groups of interested laymen or professionals in any city you are residing or working in. By request, for groups of over 15 participants, our colleagues will give a lecture, or hold an interactive training, about domestic or sexual violence.

1447 Budapest, PO Box. 502.

This website was created with the generous support of Norway Grants.